Tantra Coaching

Most people who hear about Tantra would say it is about sex. Others, who have started to dig beneath the surface, would describe it as the taboo. Wherasthose who have studied its rich history would name it a technology that has been misunderstood and perverted by people who don’t truly know its depths. For me, I see it more simply as an approach to life. If Yoga is a science; Tantra is an art. Yoga methodologically teaches the tools, techniques, structures, and mindsets to evolve Consciousness. Tantra meanwhile says living your life will naturally evolve your Consciousness and the refinement emerges through your approach and interest. That is not to say Tantra is not a deeply studied lineage; its most ancient texts go back thousands of years and in great detail lay out tools for exploring, expanding, and understanding Consciousness. But, on the canvas of life, each paint brush stroke has value; no matter how subjectively beautiful and and aesthetically pleasing one’s life is, all life is art.